Our beautiful, modern office is located at a prime address in central Copenhagen, close to our clients and customers.
Our HQ is a perfect representation of how we conduct our business: modern, edgy and cool - furnished and decorated with respect for the original architecture, with warm aesthetics and a feeling of home away from home.
We do also have a training academy at our headquarters. We put a lot of effort into training our clients, so they know the products well and are enabled to give customers the best possible guidance and service.
We know that training is a wonderful way to keep our brands fresh in clients’ minds and hearts, so we offer in-house trainings along with the more frequent trainings at retailers’ own locations.
We respond to your communication around the clock. We pick up the phone evening, morning and even during lunch break. It’s not in our shared best interest to let anything slip.
Sølvgade 19, 1307 København K, Denmark
info@greenmatters.dk I +45 33 33 04 00